Posts in Sunday Meatball Chronicles

Week 36: Two Lonely Housewives

Week 36: Two Lonely Housewives

Our boyfriends are out of town and John-Paul and I are left wondering what to do with our Sunday. Thankfully with work on Monday, we can’t get into too much trouble. The past year or so has been spent double dating and whenever John-Paul and... [+]

Week 35: Datz F-in Fantastic

Week 35: Datz F-in Fantastic

First of all, before we eat, I’d like to address something. A grace of sorts: Thank you for this lovely meal and for this light-hearted life we lead. I truly believe that in every aspect of life, whether amusing or boring, happy or sad, humor... [+]

Week 34: (Ryan, Guest Writer): The Bearded Quahog

Things I learned while visiting Michelle’s family in Cape Cod this week: -          The letter “O” is pronounced as an “AW.” Example: Cape Cawd -          Words that end with an “A” occasionally acquire an R. Example: Tamper -          Oaks Bluff, Martha’s Vineyard is for black... [+]

Week 33: Catchin’ the Spirit!

Week 33: Catchin’ the Spirit!

As I sit in a tastefully decorated wooden pew, eating macaroni and cheese, I anxiously await the arrival of Mr. Jesus. Ryan and I are in the final stretch of a weekend getaway to Whorelando and the trip has been nothing short of fantastic.  It... [+]

Week 32: Pach’s Place, Pronounced Pa-ches, No Rappers Here.

Ok, maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t…. But after, thirty-one straight weeks of brunch, we actually skipped eating last Sunday. It was an all-liquid Sunday Funday for John-Paul’s Birthday Extravaganza. He turned 28 and only John-Paul and his boyfriend Sean think that turning 28 is... [+]